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ClearSlide Launches New Partnerships

Sales PartnershipsClearSlide launched a partner program to make it easier for complementary software companies to integrate ClearSlide actions and data into their products using the new open ClearSlide APIs. Working with software partners is the first step to building out an ecosystem of ClearSlide partners that will include consultants/Systems Integrators, resellers, and referral partners over time. We are announcing partnerships with ExecVision and LevelEleven who are two of the first companies to take advantage of the ClearSlide API access.


ExecVision, a leader in conversation intelligence that provides guided selling and coaching, has integrated ClearSlide’s open APIs into its leading Conversation Insights service to provide sellers guided selling and coaching based on the successful conversations of top performers. With ClearSlide and ExecVision, salespeople receive highly personalized, scenario-based coaching and recommendations to advance deals – and Sales leaders confidently capture and share tailored best practices to quickly scale success across their teams.


LevelEleven, a leader in conversation intelligence that provides guided selling and coaching, integrated ClearSlide’s open APIs into its Sales Activity Management System. This integration provides organizations a guided selling process with actions sales reps should take at each sales stage. Sales leaders leverage the LevelEleven integration with ClearSlide KPIs to set benchmark performance levels to help scale stronger results across their teams.


All of our mutual customers benefit by having a more complete solution solving their business challenges that leverages the top sales engagement platform in the market – ClearSlide! The program develops Go-To-Market plans that provide visibility to the partner integrations to our mutual customers and prospects, and demonstrates market leadership with press, analysts, and industry thought leaders.


ClearSlide’s partner program offers integration access to valuable ClearSlide activity and engagement data to power new digital selling processes and stronger sales enablement applications. Using open APIs, developers can dynamically upload content, programmatically launch email online meetings, and ingest robust customer engagement data into their own applications. Partners or customers interested to learn more about ClearSlide’s partner program and API development kit can easily connect with the company by emailing